Mother's Day Handbags & Accessories


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Mother's Day Handbag Gift Sale

When you want to spoil mom with fabulous new handbags for Mother's Day, but your budget is tight, come to Macy's and shop our Mother's Day purse sale. That's where you'll find Mother's Day handbags from her favorite designers, along with plenty of other luxury gifts for Mother's Day that won't break the bank.

Need some great gifting ideas to spoil mom on her special day? Read on!

Save the Flowers and Bubble Bath for Another Time 
While beauty gifts are the most obvious choice for mom, buying her a purse for Mother's Day makes a statement. Namely, that she's worth the investment. If you think a fancy bag is out of the question, you'll be pleasantly surprised when you see Macy's selection of Mother's Day sale handbags. (You can always get her perfume for Mother's Day next year!)

What Type of Bag Would Suit Her?
When shopping for a Mother's Day handbag, it's essential to factor in your mom's lifestyle and personal taste. After all, the best purse for mom is the one that fits into her routine and her wardrobe seamlessly.

Working Moms
Start by considering what essentials she usually brings along for a typical day. Does she carry her work with her everywhere she goes? Then she'll appreciate a spacious Mother's Day purse like a large tote or perhaps a commuter-style handbag with a padded sleeve to protect her laptop.  

Sporty and Outdoorsy Moms
Maybe she's the sort of mom who's always outdoors. Whether she's out hiking the local trail, weeding the garden or walking the dog, she might prefer a purse that lets her go hands-free. We recommend styles like crossbody bags and belt bags since they're lightweight and allow unrestricted movement.

Stylish Moms
For a fashionable mom, look for timeless bags that she can wear for years to come without worrying about whether they'll still be in style next season. A COACH purse for Mother's Day fits the bill exactly—they're beautifully made and built to last.  

It's also worth checking out Macy's Mother's Day Handbag Sale to see if there are any bargains on bags from her favorite brands before you make a purchase!

Mom's the Best, So Treat Her Like It
Whatever mom loves—from pampering skin care to designer purses—you'll find something to make her smile here at Macy's.