Children's Factory Toddler Paint Easel

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Product Details

Web ID: 16534584

2 - 5 years. Perfectly sized with suction cups that hold the easel on the floor so it doesn't move around. The paint cup tray holds 4 paint cups (sold separately) on each side which is just enough for beginner painters. Measures 20" W x 31" H. Mat and paint clips are not included.

  • Product Features

    • Includes suction cups that hold easel on the floor and a paint cup tray holder
    • Paint tray holds up to 4 paint cups on each side
    • Paint clips are not included
    • 2 years and up
    • Made in USA
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    • This item may not be shipped to Alaska, American Samoa, Guam, Hawaii, Marshall Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Palau, or the Pacific Islands.
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Ratings & Reviews


1 star ratings & reviews

Write a Review
15 years ago

Poorly made for toddlers

Rec'd this product and was excited...two weeks after we had it the toddlers were able to pull the piece that holds the paint cups is just screwed in with one screw on each side into a piece of plastic once it was pulled off we had to drill another hole in the piece and attach it with an electrical tie...this item costs too much to be so cheaply assembled. It is the perfect height for toddlers and it is easily cleaned...just poorly assembled.

Customer review from Kaplan Early Learning Company