Lobster Meal Organic Plant Food, 4lbs
Shipped and sold by Esbenshades Garden Center
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Product Details
Web ID: 15267823Made entirely of chitin-rich lobster and crab shell, this is the ideal organic fertilizer for outdoor containers, vegetable, herb and flower gardens. Natural nitrogen and calcium help promote strong stem growth, healthy green foliage, and vigorous roots. OMRI listed for use in organic gardens.
Product Features
- Contains ground, dehydrated lobster, with some crab shell
- Promotes strong stem and root growth
- It is OMRI listed for use in organic gardens
- Guaranteed analysis 6-2-0
- Great fertilizer for outdoor container gardens, vegetable and herb gardens, flower beds, lawns
- Plant Food
- Made in USA
Product Dimensions
- 6 x 4 x 11 Inches
- 4
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