Little Sister- My Investigation into the Mysterious Death of Natalie Wood by Lana Wood
Product Details
Web ID: 16835449Little Sister
I was curious about the story because I’ve always heard the many rumors that Natalie Wood’s death was not an accident. It’s supposed to be about Natalie but it's really more about Lana and her relationship with her sister and her attempt to dig into what happened to her. I really could care less about Lana Wood’s life story; I bought the book to read about Natalie. Lana is overly dramatic about everything, which really takes a lot away from the book. We hear all about Lana's mother, her daughter, her jobs, addictions, money problems, on and on and on. But honestly, I could care less about Lana. It was a poorly written book and it doesn't solve the unanswered questions of Nalalie's death by any means.
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