P Is for Pterodactyl: The Worst Alphabet Book Ever by Raj Haldar
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Web ID: 8511981clever
Far from being phonetic, the English language has many pronunciation anomalies. With charming and funny illustrations by Maria Beddia, Raj Haldar and Chris Carpenter illustrate this with just a few of many possible examples, demonstrating that English is not the easiest of languages to learn. Readers in UK and Australia will note that some pronunciations are American, but this does not detract from the entertainment value of this clever book.
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Customer review from barnesandnoble.com
Honestly "N" Joyable
H is for honestly, and honestly this was an “N” joyable book, although enjoyable doesn’t really start with an “N.” Let’s face it, to come up with words with silent first letters for all 26 letters of the alphabet was an impossible task. So, let’s give credit where credit is due and the ingenious ways the author got around the impossible letters, such as saying what a letter is “not” for, as with the letters “R” and “S.” One might quibble that “S is for Seas” doesn’t demonstrate a breaking of the rules, but the example sentence gives plenty of cases of a silent “S” which is really all that could be done since there are no words that start with a silent “S” as far as I know. Too bad not all letters could be like “P” where there are plenty of examples of rule-breaking. The pterodactyl could have also had pneumonia and then he wouldn’t have been able to fly. He could also have had a pterygium which might have impaired his vision. Maybe that will be in the next book.
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