Signs- The Secret Language of the Universe by Laura Lynne Jackson
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Web ID: 16835630Great Interesting Read!
I have had this book for many years and have even met the Author twice. I don't really follow stuff like this, but I do believe in signs and have experienced many myself and for others. While reading this book the Author wrote about penguins and a short time after I saw a penguin while scrolling through Facebook, confirmation? validation? hmmm interesting none the less.
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Found what I needed.... reassurance
I can't even tell you how I came across this read. I purchased it and started to read it then completely forgot about it and left it on my book shelf. Over a year later I opened it back up started reading it and couldn't put it down. This book validated all my questions about connecting to the other side. I looked for answers and some I found in the book, others out in the world just three days after reading certain chapters.
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Highly Recommend for Dealing with Loss
I had seen this book previously at Barnes & Nobel, but it wasn't until I was walking through the other day that something told me to pick it up. I had just lost my Nana and this book helped me grieve and find peace. I was already receptive to signs before this book, but I believe this is worth the read for anyone at any stage in the grieving process.
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This book will change your life
I accidentally stumbled across this book , and I wasn’t even looking for it. The author writes authentically, and humbly. Be open to what is In it , and you will see that your loved ones are in constant communication with you after passing.
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I bought this about a month ago and started reading when I got home. This book has helped me see how the universe is connecting with me and sending me messages and it has helped me tremendously.
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A MUST read!
I was in Barnes and Nobles looking for a new book to read and a lady overheard me complaining about how expensive books are nowadays. She told me if this book "Signs" had not saved her life, she would not be purchasing it. She explained to me how it really helped her cope with the death of her sister. Little did she know that I was mourning the death of my father. I have never been moved so significantly by a book before. It had validated so many feelings, coincidences and opened my mind in so many different ways. So thankful the universe led me to read this. It's one everyone should read.
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