So This Is Love (Twisted Tale Series #9) by Elizabeth Lim
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Web ID: 16223769I loved it!!
This book was amazing! It’s my second favorite in the Twisted Tales series!! The romance was so cute! And I loved how the plot played out, it was well written!! :) If you love Cinderella seriously consider this Twisted Tale!
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I loved the twist
I read this at school and I read it in exactly 4 days. It is so good! I would definitely recommend this to anyone who loves Cinderella, it has all the good stuff!
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I LOVED THIS BOOK it was my first twisted tale I read and out of all of the ones I have this one is my favorite recommend it to a friend and she loves it i would read this as a first if you reading the series
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So This Is Love
Making my way through this series this is the 9th one I have read and I have to say this one has been my favorite. The twist in this one opens this story up to a much more exciting retelling of the original.
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Customer review from
Great book
This is the second book I read of the twisted tale series and I love it. I watched all of Disney Cinderella movies and I knew I had to read this one. I love how it went down in the castle and with Cinderella’s stepmother. And I also like the history of the fairies and the love story between Cinderella and the prince a little better.
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Love new original story!
Cinderella was my favorite Disney movie when I was little. This book takes the story and rearranges it in a new and exciting way, gives Cinderella more depth into her character. Some scenes were surprising and thrilling.
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Customer review from
Love this twisted tale
This story that Lim had placed was absolutely twisted with a couple of plot twists, and more of an adventure for Cinderella. I love the Disney film, both animated and live action, and the author had gotten the story into a different direction of the "what-ifs". 10/10 I would recommend!
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