Upgrade your bathroom with this modern rainfall shower system, featuring a powerful spray that simulates raindrops and a matching hand shower for targeted cleaning.
Product Features
The shower head simulates natural rainfall and provides you with a natural experience of contact with water.
Shower head uses a self-cleaning silicone nozzle, so the water outlet will not be clogged and is easy to clean.
Complying with American standard pipe connections, there is no need to worry about installation.
Returns available within 30 days of delivery and we may provide replacement parts/products with our limited warranty ona a case-by-case basis within 6 months
This item may not be shipped to Alaska, American Samoa, Guam, Hawaii, Marshall Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Palau, or the Pacific Islands.
California and Minnesota customers call 1-800-289-6229 for Free Shipping information.