The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story By Nikole Hannah-Jones
Product Details
Web ID: 13393031The best book on American Slavery!
5 out of 5, 10 out of 10! This is in my top 3 books of all time of any subject, especially American History! 70% of the book was written by several Historians. 19 non fiction essays (including the preface) 36 poems or fiction stories in between each non fiction essay, and over 1000 endnotes at the end of the book for those who'd like to sight the many authors sources. It's amazing how easily manipulated people are when it comes to propaganda. All folks have to do is before getting the book, look up the credentials of the authors of these nonfiction essays. They have the exact expertise to be talking about slavery, race & race relations, injustice, mass incarceration, racism, and all the other points of interest that's mentioned. The best part is it links the past to the present AND it centers African Americans at the center of our perfected democracy.
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Not Worth To Be Considered A History Book
No Zero rating available. This is NOT true American history. A waste of money. The Politically Incorrect Book Series is a better place to start to learn about multiple topics. The 1619 book is pure Socialist Propaganda.
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Eye opening!
While I learned about slavery in school, the extent to which information was omitted is staggering. This book is truly eye-opening. Highly recommend.
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A Phenomenal Reading Experience!
From the first words to the very last, I found The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story filled with history I had never been taught in the Virginia schools I have attended. This is an excellent compilation of skillfully researched documentation of the lives of Black folks, beginning in 1619. Coupled with essays, poems and works of fiction, I remained engaged and many times paused to find more information about the topics covered. The narration with its multifaceted authors and narrators brought the words to life! As I read my hardbound copy (making notes in the margins) of the book, I listened to the auditory version. This book is a gift! A Phenomenal Listening Experience!
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Buying the book because of negative reviews.
I am buying this book because of the negative reviews. There’s information about history in it that I want to read for myself.
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Failure to Correct Historical Inaccuracies
Unfortunately, Ms. Hannah-Jones's failure to correct her historical inaccuracies, pointed out to her by historical editors prior to publication, overshadow the few accurate takes. It appears as though the author was determined to rewrite history the way she wants to see it. Examples include the weird exaggeration of Lord Dunmore's "proclamation," crediting rise in cotton production in the early to mid 1800s to more brutal treatment of slaves and not to technological advancements (although slave treatment was always brutal), and most importantly her claim that protecting the institution of slavery was a "primary" reason for independence.
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This history is brutal and extraordinary. Incredible writing, precision in reporting, and lyrical prose notwithstanding the horrors relayed. My LORD; this is a humbling masterpiece. I've decided to buy additional copies as gifts. It belongs in wonderful libraries -- home ones, too! -- far and wide.
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Belongs in fiction section
Lies and racist propaganda paraded as truth by clowns and delusional bad faith actors. Belongs in the Fiction section
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