The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
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Web ID: 12622416It's not a bad book I swear
It's a good book it's just the middle was a little lagged and boring but that it. I would recommend just listening to the audiobook because then you can listen to it faster and get it over with. The ending was really good and the beginning to,they were my favorite parts if the book. I love the plot the wording and main characters . The romance was really good a loved the connection ❤️ and the Greek mythology!!!! The Greek mythology ate
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Solid mythology retelling
The audiobook narrator was easy to listen to, I was invested in the early life of Patroclus and Achilles, and I found some of the battle scenes engaging. I liked that this story is told from the perspective of Patroclus, a lesser-known player. The pace was a little slow, but there was tenderness in these pages that appealed to me—in their love story and also in the friendship between Briseis and Patroclus. If you like mythology, this might be a great read for you.
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The English language fails me
(Slight spoilers ahead⚠️⚠️) Words cannot describe my emotions I after the completion of “The Song of Achilles.” This book was the worst book ever(I rated it 5 stars) , it has destroyed me. Even after Patroclus died, there were at least 30 pages of the text left. 30 pages of pain. 30 pages of devastation. As Patroclus’ soul begged to be reunited with his lover, his only anchor, my tears couldn’t and wouldn’t stop. I repeated the word please over and over as if Madeline could hear me. Finally, finally they were together once again in the underworld and yet I couldn’t stop crying. I sat on the floor at 1 am with a pillow tight in may arms as I cried into it. 5/5 stars would recommend
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beautifully written
i love greek mythology so much and this honestly lived up to the hype but there were times i was bored but still amazing, i sobbed
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I read this book after seeing rave reviews online but after i finished it, I couldn't help but be disappointed. The characterizations of Achilles and Patroclus were one dimensional and seemed to be playing into the gay relationship stereotypes. In the Iliad, Patroclus is one of the greatest of the Myrmidons- a warrior rather than a pacifist content to hide in the shadow of Achilles. In this retelling, Patroclus is stripped of his strength as a warrior. Most of his personality is devoted to his infatuation with Achilles. His talent with healing is described at the beginning of the book very briefly and then suddenly, years into the war, he is a healer? It just doesn't make any sense. There is a distinct lack of character development and one of my main issues with this book is Patroclus' role as a trophy husband to Achilles, feeding into the harmful herteronormative stereotype that there is always a feminine and masculine one in a gay relationship. In addition, for a book entitled 'Song of Achilles', Achilles is never really explored as a character. We never do find out why he loves Patroclus. The very beginning and very end of this book are the best parts, even if the end does feel rushed. The middle is uninspired and bland- your average YA romance. My favorite part of this book was probably Briseis. I enjoyed reading about her character more than the two main characters. A lot of people were saying SoA was emotional, but I just couldn't connect to the characters. Their deaths didn't affect me all that much, simply because of that. In fact, I felt more of an emotional impact reading Homer's complicated verse than I did this. At times, the prose can be lovely but then it returns to reading like a mediocre fanfiction. (Not that I have anything against fan fiction, some of the best literature I have ever read has been on AO3) Overall, I was disappointed with Song of Achilles. There coud have been so much more done with this story, but I am sad to say that it fell short. Hopefully someone else will one day rewrite the love of Achilles and Patroclus into something more worthy of their greatness. Until then, I will stick to Homer and will be paying much less attention to the recommendations of Tiktok.
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amazingly written & beautiful
I have read this book over and over, and each time its amazing. It's a perfect slow pace but still intriguing the entire time. she wrote this book in a perfect way that captures the era and how it would actually be to live in that time. i dont even really have great words to desrive but GOD its an amazing book and storyline. Ends with tradgey so a great cry.
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Madeline Miller retells a classic!
“Achilles weeps. He cradles me, and will not eat, nor speak a word other then my name. I see his face as if through water, as a fish sees the sun. His tears fall, but I cannot wipe them away. This is my element now, the half-life of the unburied spirit.” Madeline Miller is one of the finest wordsmiths of our age, and I truly believe that both “The Song of Achilles” and “Circe” will be remembered and revered as classics throughout the annals of time. The stories themselves have already proven their longevity, they’ve been transformed into something new and deep and powerful through Miller’s craftsmanship. Her prose is remarkable; even the smallest of sentences and turns of phrase can be packed with layers of meaning. She comes across as comfortable and confident in her craft without ever seeming prideful of it. The humility in that balance, especially in a novel as exquisitely penned as this one, is as remarkable as the talent itself. “The Song of Achilles” is a powerful, achingly beautiful retelling of one of our oldest stories. Miller’s take on this classic myth is lyrical, truly a song. This novel is a perfect mix of a slow emotional journey and a high-stakes plot that keeps you wanting more. It will touch the hearts of all who read it. A solid 5-star performance for Miller!
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Favorite Book ever
I bought this book three days ago and I just couldn’t put it down. I am minoring in Latin and Ancient Greek, and I felt like I had to pick up this book, and It did not disappoint. The romance and love between the characters is insane and amazing. 1000/10
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