Granular Azalea, Camellia, Rhododendron Plant Food, 4lb
Shipped and sold by Esbenshades Garden Center
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Product Details
Web ID: 15227093Encourage lush flowers on plants that thrive in a low pH soil, helping grow beautiful Azaleas, Camellias, Rhododendrons and other acid-loving plants. Contains 5-percent sulfur and is blended from natural and organic farm-grade ingredients that are beneficial for both plants and soil.
Product Features
- Contains 5-percent sulfur to help lower soil pH and improve availability of micronutrients for shrubs and trees
- Apply twice per year in spring and fall
- Formulation 5-4-3
- No sludge, fillers or additives
- Blended from natural and organic farm-grade ingredients
- Plastic
- Made in USA
Product Dimensions
- 4.25 x 11.5 x 7.5 Inches
- 4
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