Chasing Your Tail by Kate Mcmurray
Product Details
Web ID: 15458914Great Read
"Chasing Your Tail" is book three in the "Whitman Street Cat Cafe" series by Kate McMurray. This series is such a fun and cute read. I love how Brad never gave up on Lindsay, and he keeps trying to get her talk to him. I also love the idea of a cat cafe. Lindsay and Brad used to date and broke up about 5 years ago. Lindsay thinks she caught Brad cheating on her and has felt a grudge towards him for years. She thought she would never see him again until her friend Lauren that runs the cafe hires him as her pastry chef. Then, she has no way of avoiding him when they keep showing up at the same events. Kate has a way of writing that keeps you reading and reading until you are finished and wanting more.
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Customer review from
Cute and Entertaining
This was cute. I always love the idea of the cat café (adopt, don’t shop) and the treats that Brad comes up with some tasty. I liked Brad but wasn’t really a fan of Lindsay. She was so wishy-washy and, at one point Brad even comments on the fact that he’s not sure why he’s still chasing her when he’s made it quite clear what he wants and if she’ll ever trust him. Other than that, the book was cute and I loved the opportunities that just seemed to fall into Lindsay’s lap (yes, I’m a little jealous things seem to come so easily for her). Overall, a quick and entertaining read.
Customer review from
good story
The premise of this story was good. The execution of it wasn't my favorite. The story and writing are good. But I really didn't like the characters, so found it hard to complete. There were some funny moments and good bantering, but I found the characters very immature. I received an advance copy and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Customer review from
a cute romance with cats and pastries!
Let's start with the cover: how cute is she? Moving on to the content I can say that I liked it, it entertained me and it amused me, even if some parts were a bit boring and slow or too obvious. The thing I loved the most is the fact that it talked about pastry and there were cats too !! Romance is nice and I loved Brad Marks, the hottest pastry chef around !! ARC kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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