Building Toys


Building Toys

Dream it, believe it, build it! Building toys are excellent for helping your child develop certain skill sets while having fun in the process. Macy’s carries a great selection of building toys perfectly suited for your child during many different stages. From big building blocks to intricate, small building toys that allow them to create their very own mini city, Macy’s has it all! Shop top brands like LEGO®, Mattel, Learning Resources and more!

The Benefits of Building Toys for Development:

1. Intellectual Benefits: Along with creativity, building is all about size, shape, weight, leverage, and balance. As your child starts to build, their block and building play will become more and more complex. This increases concentration level and even helps develop early skills in math and physics.

2. Physical Benefits: Building toys require fine (small) motor skills to pick them up and gross (large) motor skills to move them around. As your child grows, building toys get more detailed and require precise movements and control. This type of early play with building toys helps to develop fine motor skills which can be transferred to other learning areas.

3. Emotional and Social Benefits: Your child can play with blocks and other building toys by themselves or together with friends or siblings. Creating sprawling cities or racetracks means that two children can be working on “one” project, but still maintain their independence. This introduces them to cooperative play where they can decide how much they interact as the building develops.

What Types of Building Toys Should I Get My Child?

1. Blocks. Start out with larger plastic or wooden blocks as they are easier to manipulate. As they grow and develop, they’ll work their way to smaller more intricate blocks like LEGO®.

2. Trucks, Trains and Airplanes. Many building toys not only let your child build up with blocks, but also build objects that they love and recognize like cars, trucks, trains, airplanes and more. Learning Resources is a great brand for these types of building toys.

3. Racing Tracks. They’ll build the tracks and then take off. Mattel’s hot wheels with race tracks are perfect building toys. It lets them figure out how to build the race tracks and then race cool cars with friends!

Helpful Hint: Be sure to carefully read the information and instructions on all children building toys you purchase. Many include warnings or choking hazards that the toy may not be suitable for a certain age range.

If they can dream it, they can build it! Shop Macy’s today for awesome building toys for your child!