Glazed Brushed Happy Large Plastic Planter Bright Blue 15 Inch
Shipped and sold by Esbenshades Garden Center
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Product Details
Web ID: 15201747Drainage holes are already located on the bottom of this planter. By having these, it decreases the chance of root rot for your plant because oxygen is able to reach the roots.
Product Features
- Planter construction uses horizontal trim to join a gracefully curved planter shape with a proportionally sized rim. The simple design accentuates the plant foliage located within it.
- Can be used both indoors and outdoors. Versatile ability means you dont have to change planters every time you want to move your indoor plants outside.
- Dimensions per planter are 15 inches L x 15 inches W x 12 inches.
- Lightweight at 1.55 pounds and easy to transport.
- Hard plastic construction for durability and a long-lasting color.
- Plastic
- Imported
Product Dimensions
- 15 inches L x 15 inches W x 12 inches
- 1.55
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