Mystic Mondays Tarot: A Deck for the Modern Mystic by Grace Duong
Product Details
Web ID: 8790441Lovely deck but difficult to handle
I bought this deck on a whim (and a fairly self-indulgent addition to my two other tarot decks) and fell in love with the artwork instantly. It's vivid and well-designed as well as a nice departure from the more traditional art of other decks. My only problem with it was how thick the cards are. I bought it a couple years back, so perhaps things have changed. I struggled to shuffle them efficiently and instead had to resort to breaking it into two smaller decks and shuffling those independently before recombining them. For reference, my handspan is just under 8.5 inches. This final point isn't a problem for me but is still worth mentioning. The silver gilding along the edges of the cards flake after repeated handling, so if you're big on aesthetics and are looking for cards to use more than once a week, these probably aren't the ones for you. All-in-all, I don't regret buying the deck, but I'd just like to caution others.
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