Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts
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Web ID: 156259065 Star Book
Have you ever wanted something so bad and everybody else had it? That is what the book "Those Shoes", by Maribeth Boelts is about. I think it is a really good book because it shows how the main character, Jeremy, cares about his friend, Antonio, more than what he wanted for himself. The story is all about a boy who wanted something everyone else had. He didn't get what he what he wanted and everyone at school laughed at him, but not his friend. Another reason I love this book is because the boy and his friend are happy at the end because they both have something really cool to wear. I also read "Ruby The Copycat" by Peggy Rathmann and it is very similar because the main character also wanted to wear what others were wearing at school. I still think "Those Shoes" is a better book and I hope you read it so you can love it too!
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