DaVinci Labs Focus Chewable - Supplement to Support Behavior, Brain Health, and Immune Health for Kids - With Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, and More - Orange Flavor -Sugar-Free
Behavioral issues and lack of focus make it harder for your child to play, perform, learn, interact and feel confident. That's why DaVinci Laboratories has created focus chewable.
Product Features
Behavior Support: focus chewable supports focus, behavior, social skills and sleep quality
Healthy Mind: With magnesium to support cognitive function, focus, stress and brain health
Immune Support: With potent nutrients that provide immune support for kids
Easy to Take: Comes in a convenient, great-tasting chewable tablet water not required to swallow
Truth In Labeling: Our products are guaranteed to contain only the purest, most potent ingredients
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