Product Details
Web ID: 9852369This ready to hang, gallery-wrapped art piece features a whale swimming in the water. Gallery-wrap is a method of wrapping an artist's canvas around a hidden, wooden frame allowing for a frameless presentation.
Product Features
- Dimensions - 15" x 20" x 3"
- Artist - Megan Meagher
- Subject - Animals
- Style - Nautical
- Giclee advanced printmaking process for a high-quality reproduction
- Limited 30-day warranty against manufacturer's defects
- Canvas (Cotton, Polyester), Wood
- Spot Clean
- Made in USA
- Request warranty information
Shipping & Returns
- This item may not be shipped to Alaska, Armed Forces Americas, Palau, Armed Forces Europe, American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Northern Mariana, U.S. Virgin Islands, Marshall Islands, Hawaii, Armed Forces Pacific, Puerto Rico and El Paso, Texas.
- California and Minnesota customers call 1-800-289-6229 for Free Shipping information.
- Please call customer service for returns.