Upgrade your child's playtime with the Top Race RC Robot Toy. Packed with features like disc shooting, story reading, singing, math quizzes, and voice mimicking, this rechargeable toy is perfect for kids aged 3-9. Comes with a wireless remote control. Give the gift of fun and learning!
Product Features
Top Race Remote Control Robot Walking Talking Toy Robots for kids, Dances, Sings, Reads Stories, Math Quiz, Shooting Discs, and Voice Mimicking. Amazing Educational toys for 8 9 year old kids
Intelligent Educational Robot Toy for kids, With LED Lights and Music, Operates with Wireless Remote Control
Shoots Discs with Remote, Reads 10 Children Favorite Stories, Sings 10 Children Favorite Songs. over 40 math quizzes, its an amazing educational toy together with fun.
Materials & Care
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