Still Just a Geek- An Annotated Memoir by Wil Wheaton

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Product Details

Web ID: 16849769

A New York Times bestseller Celebrated actor, personality, and all-around nerd, Wil Wheaton updates his memoir of collected blog posts with all new material and annotations as he reexamines one of the most interesting lives in Hollywood and fandom-and now for the first time in audio, narrated by Wil himself From starring in Stand by Me to playing Wesley Crusher on Star Trek- The Next Generation to playing himself, in his second third iconic role of Evil Wil Wheaton in The Big Bang Theory, to becoming a social media supernova, Wil Wheaton has charted a career course unlike anyone else, and has emerged as one of the most popular and well respected names in science fiction, fantasy and pop culture. Back in 2001, Wil began blogging on Believing himself to have fallen victim to the curse of the child actor, Wil felt relegated to the convention circuit, and didn't expect many would want to read about his random experiences and personal philosophies. Yet, much to his surprise, people were reading. He still blogs, and now has an enormous following on social media with well over 3 million followers. In Still Just a Geek, Wil revisits his 2004 collection of blog posts, Just a Geek, filled with insightful and often laugh-out-loud annotated comments, additional later writings, and all new material written.

  • Product Features

    • Suggested age range- Adult
    • Format- Hardcover
    • Dimension- 7.6" W x 8.8" H x 1.8" D
    • Genre- Movies and TV
    • Publisher- HarperCollins Publishers, Publication date- 04-12-2022
    • Page count- 464
    • ISBN- 9780063080478
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Ratings & Reviews


1 star ratings & reviews

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3 years ago
from Indiana

Love Wil Wheaton!

I read the original book years ago, so while pieces felt familiar, it's been long enough that it still felt fresh. The addition of the footnotes/annotations was fun. I was impressed with Wil's willingness to call out his own poor choices from the past rather than dismiss them or delete them/hide them. Even when he's apologizing for the 5th time for using the same term he feels now is inappropriate, he does it with intention and integrity. It was really noteworthy. This was something I read a few pages at a time. There are some themes that come up frequently - the abusive and neglectful choices of Wil's parents, his struggle in retrospect with his decision to leave Star Trek, etc.. Each one is dealt with honestly, but it can feel repetitive (these were issues he worked on for years) if you try to read this in large chunks. The WILLIAM F-ING SHATNER story alone was worth the price of the book and the time I invested in these stories. The rest was all bonus. I love Wil as a writer, as an actor, as a Trekkie, and as a human. If you do too, pick this one up!

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