The Memory Librarian- and Other Stories of Dirty Computer by Janelle MonãáE

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Web ID: 16842672

New York Times bestseller! In The Memory Librarian- And Other Stories of Dirty Computer, singer-songwriter, actor, fashion icon, activist, and worldwide superstar Janelle Monáe brings to the written page the Afrofuturistic world of one of her critically acclaimed albums, exploring how different threads of liberation—queerness, race, gender plurality, and love—become tangled with future possibilities of memory and time in such a totalitarian landscape…and what the costs might be when trying to unravel and weave them into freedoms. Whoever controls our memories controls the future. Janelle Monáe and an incredible array of talented collaborating creators have written a collection of tales comprising the bold vision and powerful themes that have made Monáe such a compelling and celebrated storyteller. Dirty Computer introduced a world in which thoughts—as a means of self-conception—could be controlled or erased by a select few. And whether human, A. I. , or other, your life and sentience was dictated by those who’d convinced themselves they had the right to decide your fate. That was until Jane 57821 decided to remember and break free. Expanding from that mythos, these stories fully explore what it’s like to live in such a totalitarian existence…and what it takes to get out of it. Building off the traditions of speculative writers.

  • Product Features

    • Format- Hardcover
    • Dimension- 6.7" W x 9.14" H x 1.3" D
    • Genre- Science Fiction & Fantasy
    • Publisher- HarperCollins Publishers, Publication date- 04-19-2022
    • Page Count- 336
    • Janelle MonÃáe (Author)
    • ISBN- 9780063070875
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Ratings & Reviews


1 star ratings & reviews

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3 years ago
from Michigan

Sci-fi but makes you think!

Here is where my not reading blurbs might have failed me… I love memoirs, so I saw Janelle Monáe and automatically thought, “an artist must be a memoir.” Plus, look at the cover of THE MEMORY LIBRARIAN AND OTHER STORIES OF DIRTY COMPUTER. Fabulous, right? Yes, it’s incredible! But, whoa. Was I ever wrong about the memoir! It’s a short story collection written by Monáe and collaborators. *facepalm* I really should read the blurb because it’s a science fiction short story collection. So, I tried something new… And I liked it! So much! Monáe’s debut book “explores how different threads of liberation - queerness, race, gender, plurality, and love - become tangled with future possibilities of memory and time in a totalitarian landscape…and what it might cost to unravel and weave these threads into freedom.” I’ve never read anything like this before. Each story was within this universe, but they didn’t connect. Yet each one brought up a lot of feelings and thoughts. I read each short story and sat with it. I needed to set my book aside and let that story sink in. There are only five stories (a little over 300 pages), and you could quickly finish it in a day, but I think these are meant to be savored and thought about. Even with all the fantasy and queer romance I read, I’ve never felt a book that is so wonderful with its representation. Monáe sees and feels people. She understands humans. She is also a fantastic feminist. Tbh, I hated the book at times. It was a good hate though; it left me wanting so much more. I’m pretty sure every story left me wanting more because I got attached to certain characters or had questions - “why” or “what for” came up a lot. I’m not a sci-fi girl, but I will recommend this. It makes you think and takes you for a ride - one you don’t want to get off. Content Warnings: racism, transphobia, homophobia

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