1984 by George Orwell

4.5 (28)

Product Details

Web ID: 15623804

Written more than 70 years ago, 1984 was George Orwell's chilling prophecy about the future. And while 1984 has come and gone, his dystopian vision of a government that will do anything to control the narrative is timelier than ever. Bull, Nominated as one of America's best-loved novels by PBS's. The Great American Read bull, The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. Winston Smith toes the Party line, rewriting history to satisfy the demands of the Ministry of Truth. With each lie he writes, Winston grows to hate the Party that seeks power for its own sake and persecutes those who dare to commit thought crimes. But as he starts to think for himself, Winston can't escape the fact that Big Brother is always watching. A startling and haunting novel, 1984 creates an imaginary world that is completely convincing from start to finish. No one can deny the novel's hold on the imaginations of whole generations, or the power of its admonitions a power that seems to grow, not lessen, with the passage of time.

  • Product Features

    • Suggested age range- Adult
    • Format- Paperback
    • Dimensions- 4.3" W x 7.6" H x 1" D
    • Genre- Fiction
    • Publisher- Penguin Publishing Group, Publication date- 07-01-1950
    • Page count- 336
    • ISBN- 9780451524935
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Ratings & Reviews


28 star ratings & reviews

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26 days ago
from Southern California

A little scary how well this holds up.

The Short of It: Prophetic and terrifying. The Rest of It: I’ve read 1984 three times in the past but the details didn’t’ stick with me. With our recent election, parts of the book kept coming back to me so I was curious to see how the book would hold up now. Let’s just say that not only does it hold up, it mirrors certain recent events and beliefs. I found it to be absolutely terrifying and disturbing this time around. Winston Smith is a Ministry employee. There are four ministries: Ministry of Truth (news and entertainment, education) Ministry of Peace (war) Ministry of Love (law and order) Ministry of Plenty (economic affairs) None of these ministries are what they claim to be. Ministry of Love focuses on interrogation and torture. Ministry of Peace exists solely for the purpose of perpetuating war. Everyone must worship Big Brother, the eye in the sky that sees and hears everything via telescreens placed all over Oceania. The Ministry of Truth’s sole purpose is to destroy recorded history and to rewrite new history for consumption. The results of a war? Into the memory hole it goes and a new war is created. Citizens are kept poor and hungry, are forced to work long laborious hours, and cannot even think a negative thought without the Thought Police breaking down their door. They are only allowed two minutes of hate a week, where all hate must be directed to one particular person. The joining of men and women can only be for procreation purposes, not as a result of desire. Children attend schools where they are taught spy tactics and are encouraged to turn their own parents in if the need should arise. Everything goes sideways when Winston meets Julia. Could there be another person like him, who wants to fight the system? Could these people exist? Could they make a difference if they joined forces? These are all ridiculous thoughts and loosely concealed ones once Julia enters the picture. Clandestine meetings can only go on for so long, and with so much risk. The way the story is told, you are on the edge of your seat every time they meet because Big Brother is everywhere and Julia’s lofty ideas about rebellion seem a little too perfect. No one can be trusted which is why it’s so surprising when Winston befriends O’Brien. To Winston, O’Brien is the answer. O’Brien is the man who can save humanity. Winston bets everything on this. Without completely ruining the ending for you, I’ll say that it’s impossible to read this story and interpret it in one way. It can go many different ways based on what stands out for you. Sayings, here and there, tiny hints and intentions tip you off and send you down a path of distrust. There are some aha moments but only when you compare the story to today’s politics. I mean, if I thought that other party were big readers, I’d say they used 1984 as a playbook. Since they are going after books in schools, history, critical race theory and the like, it’s not hard to believe at all.

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Customer review from barnesandnoble.com

6 months ago

maybe i’m the problem

although well written and interesting at times it was rare that i liked this book i was especially disappointed bc of all the hype. idk maybe i’m the problem bc i don’t like classics but it is a good dystopian i’ll give george orwell that. i did DNF it multiple times though. it was scary to read though considering it could happen IRL

Customer review from barnesandnoble.com

7 months ago
from Missouri

Skip the forward and afterward

One of my favorite books of all time. Was happy to find a copy in person. Just avoid the forward and afterward recently added. They sound like something written by characters from the book

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Customer review from barnesandnoble.com

1 year ago
from New York

A Well-Written, Invigorating Novel

This gripping, cautionary tale foreshadows the dangerous future mankind may be in for. 1984 at once frightens and inspires as our brave protagonist faces an insurmountable enemy, leaving readers thinking about the subjects addressed long after the novel has been put down. Overall, a great, thought-provoking classic.

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Customer review from barnesandnoble.com

1 year ago
from Bengal, India


This book reminds me about my famous novel, 1984.

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Customer review from barnesandnoble.com

2 years ago
from Texas

Quite the Chilling Novel

I read George Orwell's 1984 just under a month ago and loved it, but it also made me shiver at how this dystopian society could've existed in real-life. The novel itself tells the story of Winston Smith, who works in the Ministry of Truth and rectifies documents, or in other words: alters, falsifies, and erases history. Winston comes to hate Oceania, the country he lives in, and Big Brother, the mysterious leader everyone worships, so he begins thinking about rebellion. The book was meant to be a prophecy warning about the dangers of totalitarianism and censorship, and it still holds true today. I recommend this book to anyone who is a huge dystopian fan or wants to read a literary classic.

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Customer review from barnesandnoble.com

2 years ago
from B&N Home Office

A Dystopian Classic

This is the novel that turned me into dystopian literature. Its greatness and thought-provoking story will generate discussion for generations to come.

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Customer review from barnesandnoble.com

2 years ago
from Lake Worth, FL

Incredible and thought provoking

1984 is a timeless piece of literature that makes us look inwards, think, and reflect on our world and how we exist in it. Despite being written over seven decades ago, Orwell's novel serves as a cautionary tale of what our society could become while spotlighting many concepts that are being debated in today's society. From people blindly following the statements made by the government without thinking for themselves, to hate and rage being major facets in the emotional construction of social media. This novel in the short time since I have read it has truly made me stop and think about our world and government and how it, though flawed, is a precious thing we must protect for it could be considerably worse. The novel waste no time by introducing us to our main character Winston Smith who is writing a confession of doubt and dislike for the Party. We learn here about Winston's job within the party is to rewrite history so it fits what the party needs to continue its constant rule. We learn how someone is always watching and that the idea of thinking for yourself is punishable not just by death but by being erased from the world completely. From this point onward the story never disappoints, continuing to be a constant page-turner as Winston journeys along his path of defiance finding love and allies along the course. With a remarkable plot line that will have you yearning for more due to its continuous twist and turns and shocking resemblances to our very own world. Furthermore, Orwell’s use of language is quite beautiful in this book. He constructs his descriptions of the boring everyday life under Big Brother in a way that makes you want to stop and think. One of my favorite quotes from the book is the party's slogan that is repeated several times “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” I find this part of the book so thought-provoking for I feel it emphasizes the dramatic difference in this society's thinking from our own: taking our thoughts and beliefs on what a good society would practice and twisting them so they are saying everything we believe is wrong. I truly love it because it is mind-blowing to me how Orweell was able to sum up and explain the thinking of an entire nation in a mere nine words. Even though I am writing this review almost three-quarters of a century after it was originally published, the lessons and warnings of 1984 still ring eerily true in today's society. Being the perfect mix of unique high-level text but still understandable to the reader, 1984 is a wonderful book choice for anyone looking for something thoughtful, emotional, and thrilling. This book serves as a persistent reminder to us all that we must never give in to ignorance and vacuity and protect our freedom to think always and forever.

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