Harmony Series | 64,000 Grains Whole House Water Softener & 75 GPD Reverse Osmosis System Bundle
Shipped and sold by Aquasure
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Product Details
Web ID: 18065942The Aquasure 64,000 Grains Whole House Water Softener with 75 GPD Reverse Osmosis System uses an efficient ion exchange process to remove hard water minerals, ensuring softened water throughout your home while the RO system turns your dirty tap water into better tasting, purified drinking water.
Product Features
- Perfect for a household size of 4-6 bathrooms, up to 8 people.
- Removes hardness minerals like calcium and magnesium which helps maintain the natural oils on your skin, resulting in smoother and softer skin.
- Softened water is also gentle on fabrics and glassware, resulting in softer, more comfortable clothing and spotless dishes.
- RO eliminates 99% of contaminants like Chemicals, PFAs, TDS, micro-plastics, chlorine, heavy metals, VOC's, odors, sediment, bacteria, viruses and more.
- All the nasty toxins are sent to your drainpipe and pure H20 passes through to a holding tank. Three gallons of crystal clean drinking water, ready when you are.
- Softener: Reinforced fiberglass RO System: Plastic, Polypropylene
- Imported
- Request warranty information
Product Dimensions
- 12 x 12 x 60
- 149.00
Materials & Care
- Product labels for all quilted items (filled apparel, home textiles, and accessories) are available online.
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