Biotin Plus Vitamin Patch for Hair, Skin, and Nails by (30-Day Supply)
Shipped and sold by PatchAid
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Product Details
Web ID: 16343257Biotin is a B vitamin that you need for healthy hair and skin. It is often overlooked, but biotin is also necessary for energy production from carbohydrates.
Product Features
- May support youthful-looking hair, skin, and nails, May support a healthy metabolism, May promote heart health.
- PatchAid Biotin Plus Vitamin Patch offers:, Vitamins A and C - two antioxidant vitamins, Folic acid - the "leafy dark green" vitamin, Vitamin D3 - the "sunshine" vitamin.
- All patches are free of Artificial Dyes, Casein, Corn, Colors, Dairy, Egg, Fillers, Flavorings, Gluten, GMO's, Latex, MSG, Peanuts, Preservatives, Shellfish, Soy, Sugar, Tree Nuts and Wheat. It is ok to wear multiple PatchAid patches at a time.
- Other brands come with a white paper backing that can stick to the patch and damage the patch when you try to peel off the backing. Our patches come with a clear patch designed specifically to make sure every patch is usable, every time.
- Our patches use hypoallergenic pressure-sensitive adhesive that contains: Resin, Naphthenic oil, Thermoplastic styrene-butadiene rubber, Antioxidants
- Made in USA
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