DaVinci Labs Chewable C-300 - Supplement to Support Immune Health, Cholesterol and Collagen Production - With Vitamin C, Pectin and More - Gluten-Free - Orange Pineapple Flavor
Chewable C-300 is a dietary supplement that contains bioflavonoids, which can help increase the effectiveness of vitamin C by 50%. Pectin can support maintenance of cholesterol levels already within normal ranges. Rose hips are a great source of vitamin C, and also contain pectin.
Product Features
Immune Support: Comprehensive vitamin C supplement with nutrients to support immune health
Nutritious Blend: Antioxidants support collagen production for skin, teeth and bone health
Body Absorption: Combination of vitamin C and bioflavonoids help the effectiveness of vitamin C
Cholesterol Management: Pectin can help maintain already-normal cholesterol levels
Truth In Labeling: Our products are guaranteed to contain only the purest, most potent ingredients
Made in USA
Materials & Care
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