On average, customers rate the Runs small/runs large of this item as Runs small.
Runs small/runs large
Runs smallNeutralRuns large
On average, customers rate the Very lightweight/very heavy of this item as Medium weight.
Very lightweight/very heavy
Very lightweightMedium weightVery heavy
12 months ago
On average, customers rate the Runs small/runs large of this item as Runs small.
Runs small/runs large
Runs smallRuns large
On average, customers rate the Very lightweight/very heavy of this item as Very heavy.
Very lightweight/very heavy
Very lightweightVery heavy
doesn’t stretch
I was so excited to buy this hoodie but I was very disappointed that the material doesn’t stretch. I bought a 2x, I like it to be baggy. I’m usually an XL and it felt like I was trying to out on a small.
On average, customers rate the Runs small/runs large of this item as Runs small.
Runs small/runs large
Runs smallRuns large
On average, customers rate the Very lightweight/very heavy of this item as Very heavy.