His Majesty's Dragon (Temeraire Series #1) by Naomi Novik

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Product Details

Web ID: 14352488

In the first novel of the New York Times bestselling Temeraire series, a rare bond is formed between a young man and a dragon, and together they must battle in the Napoleonic Wars. A terrifically entertaining fantasy novel. Stephen KingAerial combat brings a thrilling new dimension to the Napoleonic Wars as valiant warriors rise to Britain's defense by taking to the skies . . . not aboard aircraft but atop the mighty backs of fighting dragons. When HMS Reliant captures a French frigate and seizes its precious cargo, an unhatched dragon egg, fate sweeps Capt. Will Laurence from his seafaring life into an uncertain future and an unexpected kinship with a most extraordinary creature. Thrust into the rarified world of the Aerial Corps as master of the dragon Temeraire, he will face a crash course in the daring tactics of airborne battle. For as France's own dragon-borne forces rally to breach British soil in Bonaparte's boldest gambit, Laurence and Temeraire must soar into their own baptism of fire. Just when you think you've seen every variation possible on the dragon story, along comes Naomi Novik. . . . Her wonderful Temeraire is a dragon for the ages.

  • Product Features

    • Author - Naomi Novik
    • Publisher - Random House Publishing Group
    • Publication Date - 10-19-2021
    • Page Count - 336
    • Paperback
    • Adult
    • SF&Fantasy
    • Product Dimensions - 5.4 H x 8.1 W x 0.8 D
    • ISBN-13 - 9780593359549
  • Materials & Care

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Ratings & Reviews


2 star ratings & reviews

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1 year ago
from California

Great Read - Addictive

My wife bought the first book on a whim while on travel and now we've got the whole series. She's on book 3 now and very eager to read them all. Very well written and just draws you in. Great fantasy mixed with history.

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3 years ago
from San Diego, CA

Superb Dragon Story

This book was so well written, told from the perspective of Captain Laurence as if he were speaking from his time period, so the language is very sophistocated. Took me a few pages to adjust to the language/sentence structure (after being used to our modern, lazy, 'slang' English), but once I got used to it, this book became just a treat. Much better as a debut novel than many others, the scenes - the people and the dragons, and the locations - came to mind in my imagination. I loved the conversation between Laurance and Temeraire, and how confused Temeraire was about the customs. The battle scenes were excellently described; the dragons we were introduced to each had their own personalities; and the tragic scenes were heartbreaking. I'm very glad there are 9 books in this series, and I can't wait to read them all.

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