Introducing our high-quality stainless steel bathroom faucet with a waterfall design, single handle for easy control, hot and cold functions, and easy installation - the perfect addition to any style of house.
Product Features
WATERFALL FAUCET - Waterfall spout and Single handle for effortless flow and easily water adjust.
STAINLESS STEEL MATERIAL- Stainless Steel construction with superior rust-resistant finish, copper metal single-handle, touch rv sink faucet, durable and safety!
BRUSHED GOLD FINISH - Modern touch on bathroom faucet with brushed gold, lavatory sink faucet resists tarnishing and peeling caused by corrosion.
Returns available within 30 days of delivery and we may provide replacement parts/products with our limited warranty ona a case-by-case basis within 6 months
This item may not be shipped to Alaska, American Samoa, Guam, Hawaii, Marshall Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Palau, or the Pacific Islands.
California and Minnesota customers call 1-800-289-6229 for Free Shipping information.