The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton
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Web ID: 9092806The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
So I really wanted to like this. I’ve been wanting to read it for a long time. There were good parts. Parts that had me hooked which is why it gets 2 stars instead of 1 but…there were far more parts I hated than I liked. For starters it’s way too long. I don’t mean page count, I mean it’s drawn out and repetitive to the point that you could remove over half of it and not miss anything. The ending is awful. One of the worst endings I have ever read. I am actually angry about it. I wish I could say why but I don’t want to put spoilers here. Just suffice to say that it was total crap.
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Multiple POVs turned on its head
Wow, wow, wow. The whole premise of this book, the ideas behind it, the mystery, just everything was so well thought out and had you gripped from the beginning. After reading the first two days I was worried it was going to get repetitive but it really wasn't. The author made every day its own whether it was through the character's actions or the knowledge you gained. The weaving of the different days and the varying characters was cunning. It had me wanting and desperate to know what happened next. One of my favorite parts was how you developed opinions of the characters before it was their day, and then once you became them your view totally changed. Actions that seemed absurd or crude suddenly had an intricate purpose vital to the success of the main character. I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes fiction, mystery, and multiple POVs turned on its head.
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Capitvating Murder Mystery
I grew up watching Agatha Christie (poirot, marple) and it is awesome that he took such a grand inspiration from her, and was able to create such a good, twisting, and substantive story like one I have not heard of. There were so many connected pieces that you would not expect, and the substories are also such an integral mystery without even being the main plot. A really good read if you like murder mysteries.
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I'm typically not a fan of mysteries—especially murder mysteries—but this book is one of my exceptions. Stuart Turton is a master of this genre. Groundhog Day mixed with Clue is an apt description of this novel, though it truly is a unique novel in and of itself. Because of the unique nature of the plot—Aiden Bishop inhabiting the body of a different guest at Blackheath—the mystery of 'whodunit' does not get solved until the very end, though the twists and turns of this novel will leave you captivated and guessing. The plot is well-paced, and the language is befitting to an experienced author, despite it being Turton's debut novel, which I believe speaks to just how good of a writer Turton is. I especially loved the setting and time period that it takes place in. This book remains one of my favorites to this day, and it is definitely one that I am looking forward to rereading.
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Twisting and capturing story from start to finish
This book is truly gorgeously written and delves deep into the story. The imagery, storytelling, plot lines, character types — all of it was magnificent. The twists throughout left me on the edge of my seat and yet it was wrapped up concisely. 100% recommend it was a great read and very well done
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You have to read this book!!!
Absolutely loved this story. Kept me on the edge of my seat and guessing the entire time.
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3.75 stars
THE 7½ DEATHS OF EVELYN HARDCASTLE by Stuart Turton Imagine waking up in a body that’s not yours, in a remote, rundown estate, surrounded by people you don’t know. You don’t know how you got there and your memory is spotty at best. The only person you kind of know is a woman named Anna. This story follows Aiden Bishop as he tries to solve the mystery and murder of Evelyn Hardcastle. For the next eight days he wakes up in the body of a different person/suspect and he has to essentially not lose himself within the host’s persona and instincts in order to solve the mystery. If he figures out the answer he gets to go home. If he fails he has to start the loop all over again. As you can imagine, this is a wholly unusual, complex and confusing mess of a storyline. Throughout the first few chapters of this book I kept saying, “Wait… what?!” I was equal parts perplexed, frustrated then fully invested and entertained. While I didn’t connect with any of the morally grey, unlikable characters, I did enjoy the story enough to keep reading to the end. The ending itself felt a little anticlimactic for me, but I appreciate how the story came together despite having lingering questions. (What exactly did Anna do to deserve such epic torture and torment?) Overall, the concept is clever and it was enjoyable. Recommend if you love a good thriller and murder-mystery with a sci-fi twist. Rating: 3.75/5 ⭐️
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I am absolutely in love with this book. I read it the first time and thought about it consistently until I finally read it again. You always know its a good one when it sits with you for a long time. As someone enamored with science fiction and whodunnits, this scratched every itch I didnt even know I had.
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