The Long Way Home (Chief Inspector Gamache Series #10) by Louise Penny
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Web ID: 2133137A Journey to Make with Armand Gamache
Wow, this book – another great one of Penny’s featuring my favorite character Armand Gamache – held me in suspense as he and three others search for a missing person from Three Pines. They search in different cities and places trying to track the person down. Penny brought me to places I never knew; some I’d love to see and others that scared me. Louise Penny, you are a gifted writer. I’m so glad I finally discovered you. Now I'll begin book eleven. I don’t want to reach the end of this series!
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Wonderful writing
Peter did not return to Three Pines when Clara expected him and asks Armand to help her find him. Armand, Jean-Guy, Clara and Myrna set off to trace Peter's travels and discover some interesting places that he has visited. Clara insists that she be in charge since she knows Peter the best as his wife. Armand agrees over Jean-Guy's protests, and she does a pretty good job. There were many places discussed that I had not heard of and was surprised by. The mystery is slow and twisty but engrossing.
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