The Masculinity Manifesto: How a Man Establishes Influence, Credibility and Authority by Ryan Michler

4.4 (5)

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Web ID: 15011246

Men are not the enemy, and masculinity, contrary to what much of popular culture would have you believe, is the solution to what plagues individuals, families, and society as a whole. MEN, YOU ARE NOT TOXIC. You are hardwired to be masculine and you should not be ashamed of it. Society needs you to be the best version of your masculine self you can be. Unfortunately, our culture no longer honors masculinity, and for the past several decades the government, academia, and the medical community have been promoting a false and even dangerous ideal of watered-down manliness. Enter author, combat veteran, and popular podcast host Ryan Michler. Raised without a permanent father figure, he knows firsthand how a lack of strong, ambitious, self-sufficient men has damaged society. Many of the world's most complicated and challenging problems could be resolved if men became more capable husbands, fathers, businessmen, and community leaders. The Masculinity Manifesto is a step by-step guide to restoring masculinity in a culture that works tirelessly to eradicate it. Michler's message is clear: Men are not to be feared and shunned but honored and respected. If you want to fulfill your role as protector, provider, and presider, confidently leading yourself and your family, you'll find The Masculinity Manifesto an essential companion.

  • Product Features

    • Author - Ryan Michler
    • Publisher - Salem Books
    • Publication Date - 09-27-2022
    • Page Count - 256
    • Hardcover
    • Adult
    • Personal Growth and Development
    • Product Dimensions - 5.9 W x 9.1 H x 1.2 D
    • ISBN-13 - 9781684513314
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Ratings & Reviews


5 star ratings & reviews

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2 years ago
from Woodbridge, VA

Excellent read, great for they guys in your life!

This book (now a part of my resources for masculine guidance) delivered its message in a way which laid out a solid foundation for putting a man in the right direction. Whether it’s gaining credibility and respect in his work place, leading his family, or becoming a stronger version of himself in all facets Masculinity Manifesto will serve as an indispensable resource in all those endeavors. I will be recommending it to men in my circle and can’t wait to see it on a best sellers list!

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2 years ago
from South Brunswick, NJ

A must read for any man trying to better himself!

The title of the review says it all. With his books, Sovereignty and The Masculinity Manifesto, Ryan Michler has provided a roadmap for men to be better, do better and have better. He uses his experience in bettering himself as a husband, father and man to help other men on their journey….

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2 years ago
from Georgia

A Great Help on the Journey to be a Great Man!

In today’s world, there are many messages out there about what it means to be a man. Ryan Michler rightfully claims that masculinity and manliness are not toxic, nor are they inherent. He says, “Where being a male is a matter of birthright, being a man is earned.” I couldn’t agree more. We must learn what it means to be a man and continually work to become better. I’m not recommending this book to claim that I have it all figured out. I am constantly failing as a man in adequately serving my family and community, but I am daily working to get better. This book is for any man like me who needs some encouragement and course correcting from time to time. Paired with the book “Sovereignty,” this is a great roadmap to check your journey to Protect, Provide, and Preside for those around you. The world needs manly men, and Ryan furthers his thoughts on how desperate that need is in a world where the idea of masculinity is being torn apart.

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2 years ago
from Southern Ontario

A Good Read for the Modern Man

A pretty good book for the modern man. In a culture that has mainstreamed such terms as "toxic masculinity" and dismantling the patriarchy this book stands as a sensible alternative. Though at times it tends towards the religious it does not detract from the overall impact of the book. Worth a read, especially for men.

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Customer review from

2 years ago
from Carrollton, TX

Highly Recommend, Excellent Metrics

The Masculinity Manifesto is the second of Ryan Michler’s books and is one every man should seek to possess and with which they should become familiar. The genre of this book is two-fold. Ryan has woven stories from his own life and introspective thoughts throughout the book, offering a somewhat pseudo-autobiographical lens from which he has distilled the lessons of influence, credibility, and authority. Though he utilizes such personal experiences, he involves the words of historical individuals and his contemporaries to drive home the points he makes. The second genre is that of personal development. Within the pages of this book is a call for men to respond, to engage, and to not remain stagnant. Often times, the words read as if Ryan is talking to you in-person, offering a direct and passionate expression of what he believes is the call on every man’s life: to protect, provide, and preside (the subject of his initial book Sovereignty: The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men). The books structure is simple and accessible to most readers. Ryan briefly examines the scientific and culturally-adopted understandings of masculinity and their form throughout antiquity from which he derives the mission of manhood. He establishes and defines the concepts of influence, credibility, and authority through the lens of masculinity (Part I) before addressing the mindsets required to forge such a man (Part II). While it is not an exhaustive list (which he admits), it is a strong starting point for men to begin the journey of manifesting masculinity in their own life. Part III attempts to communicate the thirteen virtues that define masculinity, reimagining some that are deemed “harmful” and incorporating ones that aim to help men develop a sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment. Part IV is application: how do I use this information to bring about tangible change in my own life? It brings questions to the forefront of the individual’s mind that require answering and is empowering to the man who is honest and humble. I really appreciated the structure of the chapters in which Ryan offers starting points and key themes to keep in mind as men seek to adopt the mindsets and virtues in Parts II & III. While the attempt to incorporate all of it into one’s personal life may be overwhelming, Ryan has essentially given men a metric to use to determine where they are in their development and how to build upon that foundation – what a wonderful asset! I think an element that could have enhanced some of Ryan’s points would be the use of diagrams or continuums. The addition would help men visualize some of the concepts more easily, one such opportunity being the continuum or depiction of creating a gap between our emotions and responses (Chapter VIII). I found the structure and syntax of certain parts of the book to be less scholarly than I am used to reading. Though this could be informed by my personal location, it could also have been intentional. Ryan is seeking to empower men of every background and may have decided to use more candid language to communicate the ideas contained within the book. Overall, this book is an excellent read and I believe every man should seek to own it and incorporate its content into their daily life. The themes are timely, challenging in their invitation, and preparatory for the time ahead of us as a society. This book is written for men, both young and old. For the young man who has just finished high school, this will give them a head-start. For the man who has gained some experience in this world, it could be life-giving and empowering. This book offers men the opportunity to reclaim masculinity in their life and have a lasting impact on those around them.

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