The Scarlet Letter (Signature Classics) by Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Web ID: 14352615An incredible emotional journey
I’ve been curious about this book for a while, and finally took the plunge and downloaded the audiobook. This is a fascinating story—not one I necessarily enjoyed, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I reread it sometime in the future. The introduction to the book was CRAZY long. Honestly, unless you like rambling thoughts about what a custom house was like in the mid-late 1800s, you can skip it, and you won’t miss out on much. The main point of the introduction can be summed up as “This story is loosely based on a true story.” And really, that’s all you need to know. Once you get into the book, you’re immediately hit by the atmosphere of the story. I didn’t realize before I read the book that this is a piece of classic gothic literature, but that’s definitely the case. The story, the setting, and even nature itself, as told in the story—all are on the dark, somewhat doleful side of the spectrum. And while I haven’t enjoyed every gothic novel I’ve read, I did enjoy this one in a twisted sort of way. Hester Prynne is the kind of character you can easily sympathize with. She’s in a difficult situation, yet chooses what she deems the noblest choice in the situation, and then proceeds to live under her community’s scrutiny and disdain for years. This story is one of immense grief, of guilt, bondage, and hopelessness. But occasionally, there are glimpses of hope—if you can keep your eyes open for them. And that’s what redeemed the story for me in the end. What impressed me the most about this story is the emotional journey you go on as you follow Hester’s story. At times, you’re forced to contend with yourself as you watch her suffer, and I was intrigued to realize how much I rooted for even the tiniest bit of hope for her, even though she didn’t always make the right decision. And the ending? It was perfect for the story. Overall, this is a deeply nuanced book with a fascinating (if not a little doleful and gloomy) setting. I enjoyed the story, and I wasn’t sure I would. I’m looking forward to picking up other Hawthorne stories in the future when and if I have the chance!
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Breeze to Zane Hart
Hi Zane, I'm unsure if you remember me from the RP days, but I was extremely active in The Scarlet Letter group. Much like you, my reviews from then have been deleted (thankfully, they were extremely cringy). I don't know if you'll see this, but I'm working on a video essay on this topic and would love to connect and talk about the good ol' days. My discord user is wakkmakk. Hope to talk to you soon.
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Wonderful Prose
Hawthorne's prose is wonderful in this novel.
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