Trivial Pursuit Game - Dungeons Dragons Ultimate Edition
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Web ID: 170536332 years ago
from Austin, TX
Great Trivia but not for casual gamers
I picked this up for something different for our group of Old School D&D players to play on game night. The questions are fun but are a really deep dive into the minutiae of all aspects of the game. The questions range from knowledge of specific spell components, followers of obscure deities, vocabulary words for specific worlds, tribes, and clans, the geography of the outer planes, and details of the published works and the history of TSR. We 50-year-old gamers who grew up playing this game found it surprisingly challenging, even though our childhood was filled with these objects. I imagine anyone who has only played since 5th edition would find the questions interesting but with few answers they would know. In the end, we had a great walk down memory lane, laughed at the impossibly obscure questions (Did you know the name of the needlepoint store that TSR purchased in the 70s?), and argued pedantically (Is it necrotic or necromantic? Was it Barovia or Borovia? Was it a pyramid or a ziggurat?), and ended up crowning the winner the one with the most pie pieces because we were done.
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2 years ago
Not really a review just gotta point smth out
you said monsters twice in the overview
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