Coach Signature Collection


Coach Signature Collection

Looking for a signature look that’s always in style? You’re in good hands with the Coach Signature Collection at Macy’s! From tote bags, crossbody bags and satchels to wallets, backpacks and even trendy fanny packs, the Coach Signature Collection has it all. Stop by Macy’s today for your next dream bag from Coach!

Types of Coach Signature Handbags:

• Coach Signature Tote. You tote-ally need one. A Coach Signature tote is perfect to wear to work in chic, smooth leather and some styles are large enough to carry your laptop. Carry all your necessities and more in signature style. Ensure your essentials are safe—grab a tote with zip closure.

• Coach Signature Satchel. Top (top) handle coach bags. Satchel bags are spacious yet structured and definitely mean business. They hit the sweet spot between an everyday bag and a stylish laptop bag. A signature canvas Coach satchel is a must-have.

• Coach Signature Crossbody. Crossbody, Crosstown. You get it. Crossbody bags are defined by a long strap that can be worn across your body and many styles include a strap that is also adjustable in length. Crossbody Coach bags can be found in pebble leather and signature coated canvas with its signature Coach print.

• Coach Signature Shoulder Bag. Shoulder bags typically feature one strap to simply sling over your shoulder and go. Your new go-to on-the-go bag. A Coach Signature shoulder bag in a roomy silhouette with evenly distributed weight on your shoulder allows for stylish, portable ease.

Shopping Tip: Coach Signature also has great bucket bags, hobo bags, backpacks, wristlets and wallets with the same signature flair!

Make your mark. Shop the Coach Signature Collection at Macy’s!