Eat Plants, B*tch- 91 Vegan Recipes that will Blow Your Meat-Loving Mind by Pinky Cole
Product Details
Web ID: 153370632 years ago
from New York, NY
A Fun and Interesting Resource
In Eat Plants, B*tch - 91 Vegan Recipes That Will Blow Your Meat-Loving Mind, Pinky Cole assures us: we’ve got options! We don’t need to eat animal protein every day, and she’s giving us some yummy recipes to make it doable. For a non-vegan like myself, the best reason to read Pinky Cole’s book is for all the wonderful passages where the author reminisces about her upbringing. Cheerful anecdotes where she recounts tales of time spent with her “village” of friends and family, and Ms. Cole’s enchanting, vivid descriptions of her beloved recipes, make Eat Plants, B*tch more than a cookbook. I also enjoyed the introduction to the book where Pinky Cole addresses the question: “What does veganism mean to me?” She discusses what it means to be mindful of what we consume, having respect for our Earth. And I love the obvious pride as Ms. Cole writes about being Black, a woman, and a successful entrepreneur. This book is filled with creative cocktails, dips, breakfast items, and desserts, as well as inspiring guest chef recipes. Not to mention the gorgeous photos. Hey, with a resource like this one, what’s stopping us all from going Vegan? Maybe it is doable… at least some of the time.
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Customer review from
2 years ago
from Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Great recipes if you like to use vegan cheese, etc
This is the first time I had heard of Pinky Cole, but her vibrant personality and love of life comes off the pages. It made reading about her past and reasons for turning to Veganism all that more interesting. Add to that the advice she (and other chefs) give in regards to being an entrepreneur and all the recipes and this makes for a fantastic cookbook. I really enjoyed that most of the recipes were pretty easy to make. There are some that call for soy or tempeh, but most don’t, which is great for those who don’t eat soy or don’t enjoy the textures of those items. And there are other ones that call for vegan bacon or vegan cheese, so I can see people who are looking for more vegetable-forward recipes that don’t lean on vegan speciality items, not really like that. While I am not a Vegan or even a Vegetarian, I do try to limit my meat intake and can see myself making a lot of these recipes, especially the breakfast ones since most of them are super fast… and the desserts too… because, desserts! I could see anyone from a meat eater to a Vegan enjoying this book and finding lots of recipes that they could easily make And I could see people wanting to turn to Vegetarianism or Veganism finding this book to be a great step towards it. But if you are, I would recommend doing a lot of research to make sure your body continues to get all the minerals and nutrients that it needs from a vegetable only diet.
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