Organic Kelp Meal 1-0-2 - 4 lb Bag
Shipped and sold by Esbenshades Garden Center
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Product Details
Web ID: 15359328Kelp Meal is brown seaweed harvested from the cold, nutrient-rich waters of the north Atlantic Ocean. Espoma Kelp Meal, Ascophyllum nodosum, is the best species of kelp for both horticultural and agricultural use. Espoma Kelp Meal is approved for organic gardening.
Product Features
- Use on flowers, trees and vegetable gardens
- A natural source of plant nutrients
- Processed at low temperature, dried, and ground
- Approved for organic gardening
- Plant Food
- Made in USA
Product Dimensions
- 13.5 x 4 x 5.6 Inches
- 4
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