The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's Prince (Villains Series #2) by Serena Valentino
Product Details
Web ID: 4139254A happily ever after...
A retelling of Beauty and the Beast with a backstory of how the prince became the beast and why he was turned into the beast. This is a must read for all disney, fantasy, and beauty and the beast fans!
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A beast within
Very jaw dropping book cant wait for the next one
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The beast
I just finished reading this book and some aspects of the story shocked me. I would have never guessed the story would lead the way it did and was very shocking to me. I also loved that it seems like the odd sisters and in every book in the series, so I am excited to get to that book when I do.
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After reading the fairest of them all, the bar was set very high and ended up getting pretty disappointed to be honest. Got very bored reading it, struggled to finish.
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A Tale As Old As Time in Learning A Lesson!
This book is super good! I really never saw Prince Adam/The Beast as villain but as you read the book & learn about how he treated people before he got cursed by the enchantress & turned into the beast, it really does make sense. He needed to learn a lot about both life & himself before he was able to break the curse. A lot of people who care about him really wanted to see him fall in love & break the curse but it takes difficulty to change who you are. Beauty & the Beast was one of my top 5 Disney movies growing up so this book was great! Also this is not only the beast's backstory but it is also Gaston's backstory in how Gaston really became Gaston! Also please learn that words do hurt people so please watch how you speak to people & treat them.
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Intriguing and eye opening
Great writing with the right amount of details to keep you going without wearing you out from boredom. Need to read in order for the full effect. Wonderful journey
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I get that it was aimed toward children, but I expected more from this book. I have read my fair share of books set for the age range 10-14-years-old, especially at those ages, and none of them have been dumbed down as much as this book has done for the targeted audience. the mere word "buttchinland" confused me because I never expected an author to publish a book with that word in it, like, you didn't have to.... I also disliked how the prince was so cruel in this version of the book and I couldn't begin to understand how he changed so much within the course of the time before he got cursed and afterward. And I get that it also happened in the movie, but I feel like he had less time to change in the book than in the Disney movie. I might be a little too critical but this is my opinion of the story.
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