I Need a New Butt! by Dawn McMillan
Product Details
Web ID: 15924272A Fun Book To Read
This book had me laughing and imagining myself with the same wish. My five-ear old grandson thought it was one of the funniest books he and I read together.
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Customer review from barnesandnoble.com
Silliness...the book and the reviews
Just a silly fun book that’s for giggles and for showing new readers that books don’t have to be boring. Note to the moral panickers: gas jokes do not fall under “repro duct ive activities” for most of the population, and my seven year old wasn’t taught anything about them from this book, because to seven-year-olds, bums are NOT THAT. They tend to understand the primary purpose of bums.
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Customer review from barnesandnoble.com
Funny and Silly book to interest reluctant readers
As an educator and media specialist for 16 years, I appreciate the need for this type of silly, light-hearted book. It is completely appropriate. Anyone who thinks primary aged kids need encouragement to think about and talk about butts clearly hasn't been around that age very much. Books about butts and farts are the only things that interest some little ones.
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Customer review from barnesandnoble.com
If you are getting anything sexual out of this book, you've got something wrong with you. it's a funny book about a kid who takes the words "butt crack" literally. that's it. kids find it funny. why would you want your kid afraid of their own butt? how do they wipe?
Customer review from barnesandnoble.com
Social Engineering
I bought this book a month ago and I’m so glad I did so you don’t have to. As I was reading this book I couldn’t help but think the purpose of this book was to socially engineer little boys and girls to be more comfortable with their own sexuality at an age where they should not be thinking thoughts about butts and butt cracks. If I saw this book was made available at one of my kids public schools I would pull them out immediately and home school them myself. I am very disappointed in Barnes & Noble for promoting this book.
Customer review from barnesandnoble.com