Michael Kors Satchels
Satchel bags, or top-handle bags, were originally used by students to carry books. But they have evolved into a refined handbag silhouette that can be worn for more formal occasions. As far as women’s handbags go, it’s a versatile style that’s ideal for multiple uses. If you’re thinking of adding this go-to bag to your collection, you might want to start with Macy's fabulous collection of Michael Kors satchel bags, complete with all the signature details you love.
Michael Kors Satchels in Different Sizes
If you’re looking for an effortless, everyday bag, a Michael Kors small satchel would be an excellent choice. Its compact, structured silhouette makes it a nice lightweight option that still offers plenty of compartments so you can organize your essentials. If you need to fit in some extra tech like a tablet or Kindle, zippered Michael Kors medium satchels offer just the right amount of space and security. For days when you need to carry it all (in style), Michael Kors large satchels are extra spacious and often include an adjustable shoulder strap so your bag can double as a crossbody.
Michael Kors Satchels with Luxe Details
There’s one thing you can count on when you’re shopping for Michael Kors women’s accessories and clothing…details. Each style—from chic Michael Kors shoes to polished Michael Kors satchel bags—is designed with an eye for detail. Michael Kors bags are constructed from the finest quality materials, whether it’s a quintessential black leather satchel or a colorblocked satchel with a pop of animal print. Another Michael Kors trademark is polished gold-tone or silver-tone hardware in the form of MK logos, chain straps, studding, and more. If you want a style that stands out and will get you lots of compliments, you’re in the right place.
Shop Michael Kors satchels, available at Macy’s.