Sunscreen is a way to help protect your skin against sun damage, so stock up on sunblock and sunscreen to safeguard the entire family.
Are Sunblock and Sunscreen the Same Thing? Sunscreen and sunblock both offer sun protection, but in different ways. The top-rated sunblock (AKA mineral sunscreen) works by creating a physical barrier that helps reflect the sun's rays, so they don't hit your skin. On the other hand, sunscreen uses chemicals to help absorb UV rays before they come into contact with your skin.
What is SPF? SPF stands for "sun protection factor" and measures the amount of sunburn protection offered in a product. Generally speaking, the higher the SPF number, the higher the protection you'll f ind. Opt for sunscreen with at least SPF 30 protection if you're planning to stay out in the sun all day. Also, remember to reapply every two hours and after swimming or sweating. If it's overcast out, a face moisturizer with sunscreen as low as SPF 15 will work, too.
What is the Best Sunscreen? The best sunblock and sunscreen help provide ample sun protection for whatever level of sun exposure you're expecting. The best sunscreen and sunblock for your face can even double as makeup; choose a tinted moisturizer with sunscreen to add light, foundation-like coverage. Face sunscreen comes in many forms, like sprays, liquids, moisturizers, and even a travel-ready sunscreen stick format. For those prone to skin irritation, go with a mineral sunscreen; this tends to be the best sunscreen for sensitive skin, as opposed to a chemical alternative.
Complement your sunscreen with skin care and beauty to double-up on the radiance.